Программы для анализа оджибве языка

Write or paste the words in the window, and press the "Send form" button. Note that the analyser still contains a handful of verbs.

Some of the verbs included so far are: anwebi, aadizooke, bangishino, biindige, bimaadizi, gaasikanaabaagawe, gashkendamo, giigoonyike, giiwe, izhaa, jiibaakwe, maajaa, minikwe, wiisini, minomaagwad, gozigwan. Some of the nouns are: inini, ikwe, makwa, mitig, aanakwad, zaaga'igan, miikana, ziibi, makak, abwi, baabaa, maamaa, gosis, daanis, mishoomis.

The analyser uses the Double Vowel (Fiero) system.

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