Publications and presentations from the Giellatekno and Divvun projects
- Articles
- Steinþór Steingrímsson, Iben Nyholm Debess, Kimmo Granqvist, Per Langgård and Trond Trosterud 2024. Language Technology for Less-Resourced Languages in the Nordics Current Developments and Collaborative Opportunities. Stjórnarráð Íslands
- Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø, Lene Antonsen, Linda Wiechetek and Trond Trosterud. 2024. Indigenous Language Technology in the Age of Machine Learning. Acta Borealia volume 41, issue 2.
- Anna-Kaisa Räisänen, Aili Eriksen, Thomas Brevik Kjærstad og Trond Trosterud (forthcoming): Kvensk revitalisering, normering og leksikografi. LexicoNordica 31.
- Wiechetek, Linda, Flammie Pirinen, Børre Gaup, Trond Trosterud, Maja Kappfjell, and Sjur Moshagen. 2024. The Ethical Question – Use of Indigenous Corpora for Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Torino, Italy. p. 15922–15931
- Articles
- Pirinen, Flammie, Sjur Moshagen and Katri Hiovain-Asikainen. 2023. GiellaLT — a stable infrastructure for Nordic minority languages and beyond. In Proceedings of the 24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa), pages 643–649, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. University of Tartu Library.
- Mikkelsen, Inga Lill Sigga and Linda Wiechetek 2023: Supporting Language Users - Releasing the first Lule Sámi Grammar Checker. Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2023 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications, Association of Computational Linguistics. p. 37–45.
- Wiechetek, Linda and Maja Lisa Kappfjell 2023: South Sámi Grammar Checker for Stopping Language Change. Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2023 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications. Association of Computational Linguistics. p. 46–54.
- Trosterud, Trond 2023: To ð or not to ð - A Faroese CG-based grammar checker targeting ð errors. Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2023 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications.Association of Computational Linguistics. p. 15–19.
- Trosterud, Trond, Marja-Liisa Olthuis and Linda Wiechetek 2023: Correcting well-known interference errors – Towards a L2 grammar checker for Inari Saami. Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2023 Workshop on Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications. Association of Computational Linguistics. p. 29–36.
- Trosterud, Trond, Lene Antonsen, Inga Lill Sigga Mikkelsen Mikkelsen og Anders Lorentsen 2023: Ulike veger fra nordsamisk til lulesamisk. LexicoNordica 30: 159-180.
- Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø, Flammie Pirinen, Lene Antonsen, Børre Gaup, Inga Mikkelsen, Trond Trosterud, Linda Wiechetek and Katri Hiovain-Asikainen 2023: The GiellaLT infrastructure:
A multilingual infrastructure for rule-based NLP. Rule-Based Language Technology 2023 NEALT Monograph Series, 2: 70–94
- Trosterud, Trond 2023: Partiklar i sørsamisk In Maja Lisa Kappfjell, Trond Trosterud, and Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen (red.) South Sami language research. Nordlyd 47.1: 15–25.
- Antonsen, Lene 2023: Er maskinoversetting fra nordsamisk nyttig for sørsamisk? In Maja Lisa Kappfjell, Trond Trosterud, and Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen (red.) South Sami language research. Nordlyd 47.1: 27–44.
- Kakouros, S. and K. Hiovain-Asikainen 2023: North Sámi Dialect Identification with Self-supervised Speech Models. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023, 5306-5310, doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1928
- Articles
- Hiovain-Asikainen, Katri and Sjur Moshagen 2022: Building Open-source Speech Technology for Low-resource Minority Languages with Sámi as an Example – Tools, Methods and Experiments. In Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-Resourced Languages, pages 169–175, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association.
- Wiechetek, Linda, Katri Hiovain-Asikainen, Inga Lill Sigga Mikkelsen, Sjur Moshagen, Flammie Pirinen, Trond Trosterud and Børre Gaup 2022: Unmasking the Myth of Effortless Big Data - Making an Open Source Multi-lingual Infrastructure and Building Language Resources from Scratch. Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Marseille. pp. 1167–1177.
- Dominczak, Katarzyna, Lene Antonsen og Trond Trosterud 2022: Fra partikkelverb og preposisjoner til verbavledninger og kasus. Brukerstudie av ei nordsamisk-norsk-nordsamisk ordbok. LexicoNordica 29: 33–52.
- Antonsen, Lene, Sjur N. Moshagen og Øystein A. Vangsnes (red.) 2022: Morfologi, målstrev og maskinar: Trond Trosterud {fyller | täyttää| deavdá | turns} 60! Nordlyd 46.1.
- Wiechetek, Linda, Flammie Pirinen, Børre Gaup, Chiara Argese og Thomas Omma 2022: Mii *eai leat gal vuollánan – Vi *ha neimen ikke gitt opp. I Lene Antonsen, Sjur N. Moshagen og Øystein A. Vangsnes (red.) Morfologi, målstrev og maskinar: Trond Trosterud {fyller | täyttää| deavdá | turns} 60! Nordlyd 46.1: 285–297.
- Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan, Flammie Pirinen and Sjur N. Moshagen 2022: You can’t suggest that?! Comparisons and improvements of speller error models I Lene Antonsen, Sjur N. Moshagen og Øystein A. Vangsnes (red.) Morfologi, målstrev og maskinar: Trond Trosterud {fyller | täyttää| deavdá | turns} 60! Nordlyd 46.1: 125–139.
- Antonsen, Lene 2022: Mo, do, so, da – duortnussámi dovdomearkan? [English summary: Mo, do, so, as a dialect mark of the Torne Saami dialect group.] I Lene Antonsen, Sjur N. Moshagen og Øystein A. Vangsnes (red.) Morfologi, målstrev og maskinar: Trond Trosterud {fyller | täyttää| deavdá | turns} 60! Nordlyd 46.1: 9–17.
- Trosterud, Trond 2022: Utan tastatur, ingen tekst: om det språkteknologiske grunnlaget for språka våre. I Karin Kvarfordt Niia (red.) Framgång for små språk. En översikt om varför små språk i Norden behöver stärkas och vad som bidrar till ett lyckat språkstärkande arbete. Innehåller en checklista med framgångsfaktorer. s. 68–73.
- Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø, Rickard Domeij, Kristine Eide, Peter Juel Henrichsen and Per Langgård 2022: Report on the Nordic Minority Languages. European Language Equality D1.38.
- Trosterud, Trond 2022: Normative language work in the age of machine learning. In: Željko Jozić / Sabine Kirchmeier (eds.): The Role of National Language Institutions in the Digital Age Contributions to the EFNIL Conference 2021 in Cavtat. ISBN 978-963-9074-92-7 (Print), 978-963-9074-93-4 (PDF) Budapest: Nyelvtudományi Kukatóközpont, 2022
- Posters
- Articles and theses
- Antonsen, Lene, Trond Trosterud, Linda Wiechetek og Chiara Argese 2021: 'Da forskere ved UiT skapte grunnlaget for en digital samisk skriftkultur. Kronikk publisert i forbindelse med Hjernekraftprisen 2021. Forskerforbundet.
- Antonsen, Lene 2021: 'Lei niogtredve go byggiimet.' Om unormerte lån fra norsk i samisk talespråk – Kristin Hagen, Gjert Kristoffersen, Øystein A. Vangsnesog Tor A. Åfarli (red.): Språk i arkiva: Ny forsking om eldre talemål frå LIA-prosjektet, s. 179–200. Oslo: Novus Forlag
- Wiechetek, Linda, Flammie A Pirinen, Mika Hämäläinen and Chiara Argese 2021: Rules Ruling Neural Networks – Neural vs. Rule-Based Grammar Checking for a Low Resource Language. Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, pages 1530–1539 Sep 1–3, 2021. DOJ: 10.26615/978-954-452-072-4_172
- Petrunina, Uliana 2021: Adjectivization in Russian: Analyzing participles by means of lexical frequency and constraint grammar PhD dissertation, UiT The arctic university of Norway.
- Olthuis, Marja-Liisa, Trond Trosterud, Erika Katjaana Sarivaara, Petter Morottaja and Eljas Niskanen 2021: Methodological Implications of the Project Čyeti čälled anarâškielân, ‘One Hundred Writers for Aanaar Saami’ In Indigenous Research Methodologies in Sámi and Global Contexts. New Research - New Voices, Volume: 11.
- Trosterud, Trond and Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen 2021: Soft on errors? The correcting mechanism of a Skolt Sami speller. In Hämäläinen, M., Partanen, N., Alnajjar, K. (eds.) Multilingual Facilitation, p. 197−207.
- Wiechetek, Linda, Flammie Pirinen, Børre Gaup and Thomas Omma 2021: No more fumbling in the dark - Quality assurance of high-level NLP tools in a multi-lingual infrastructure. In: Flammie A Pirinen, Timofey Arhangelskiy, Trond Trosterud, Michael Rießler (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computational Linguistics of Uralic Languages. Association for Computational Linguistics 2021 ISBN 978-1-954085-82-4. pp 37 - 46.
- Jack Rueter, Niko Partanen, Mika Hämäläinen and Trond Trosterud 2021: Overview of Open-Source Morphology Development for the Komi-Zyrian Language: Past and future. The Seventh International Workshop on Computational Linguistics of Uralic Languages. Syktyvkar, Russia. Association for Computational Linguistics. 29--39.
- Articles and theses
- Antonsen, Lene og Laura Janda 2020: Davvisámi earutkeahtes oamasteapmi. [English summary: Inalienability in North Saami] – Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 2020: 61–87.
- Eskonsipo, Berit Merete Nystad 2020: Sátnegirjegeavaheami čalmmustahttin neahttasátnegirjji loggafiilla analysa bokte. Sámi gielladiehtaga masterdutkamuš. UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta
- Hämäläinen, Mika and Linda Wiechetek 2020: Morphological Disambiguation of South Sámi with FSTs and Neural Networks.
- Trond Trosterud og Lene Antonsen 2020: Hva er viktig for forståelse? Om maskinoversetting fra nordsamisk. – K. Hagen, A. Hjelde, K. Stjernholm og Ø. A. Vangsnes (red.): Bauta: Janne Bondi Johannessen in memoriam. Oslo Studies in Language, 11(2): 489-502. Oslo: University of Oslo.
- Wiechetek, Linda, Chiara Argese, Tommi A. Pirinen and Trond Trosterud 2020: Suoidne-varra-bleahkka-mála-bihkka-senet-dielku ‘hay-blood-ink-paint-tar-mustard-stain’ – Should compounds be lexicalized in NLP?. Johanna Monti, Felice Dell'Orletta and Fabio Tamburini (eds.): CLiC-it 2020, Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics. Bologna, Italy, March 1-3, 2021
- Antonsen, Lene og Trond Trosterud 2020: Med et tastetrykk. Bruk av digitale ressurser for samiske språk. / Boallobeavddi bokte. Sámegielaid digitála resurssaid geavaheapmi. -- Sámi logut muitalit 13. Čielggaduvvon sámi statistihkka 2019 / Samiske tall forteller 13. Kommentert samisk statistikk 2020. Sámi allaskuvla
- Trosterud, Trond 2020: Samiske bokutgjevingar i Noreg - eit uttrykk for norsk samepolitikk?. / Sámi girjealmmuheamit Norggas – Norgga sámepolitihka ovdanbuktin?. -- Sámi logut muitalit 13. Čielggaduvvon sámi statistihkka 2019 / Samiske tall forteller 13. Kommentert samisk statistikk 2020. Sámi allaskuvla
- Articles
- Trosterud, Trond 2019: Kva bruker vi minoritetsspråksordbøker til? Ein studie av brukarloggane for tolv tospråklege ordbøker. LexicoNordica 2019 Volum 26.
- Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø and Trond Trosterud 2019: Rich Morphology, No Corpus — And We Still Made It. The Sámi Experience". Proceedings of the Language Technologies for All (LT4All), pp. 379-383. Paris: UNESCO Headquarters, pp. 379–383.
- Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø, Trond Trosterud and Lene Antonsen 2019: Language Technology for Indigenous Languages: Achievements and Challenges. Proceedings of the Language Technologies for All (LT4All), pp. 379-383. Paris: UNESCO Headquarters, pp. 219–222.
- Domeij, Rickard, Ola Karlsson, Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen og Trosterud, Trond 2019:
Enhancing Information Accessibility and Digital Literacy for Minorities Using Language Technology—the Example of Sámi and Other National Minority Languages in Sweden. I: Perspectives on Indigenous writing and literacies. Brill Academic Publishers 2019 ISBN 9789004298514. s. 113-137
- Wiechetek, Linda, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer and Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen 2019: Seeing more than whitespace — Tokenisation and disambiguation in a North Sámi grammar checker. Association for Computational Linguistics ISBN 978-1-950737-18-5. pp. 46 - 55.
- Wiechetek, Linda, Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen and Thomas Omma 2019: Is this the end? Two-step tokenization of sentence boundaries. In Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on computational linguistics for Uralic languages (IWCLUL 2019), Tartu, Estonia.
- Wiechetek, Linda, Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen, Børre Gaup and Thomas Omma 2019:
Many shades of grammar checking - Launching a constraint grammar tool for North Sámi. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 2019 (168) s. 35-38
- Presentations and posters
- Articles and theses
- Antonsen, Lene 2018: Sámegielaid modelleren – huksen ja heiveheapmi duohta giellamáilbmái [Modeling Saami languages. Construction and adaptation to real-world linguistic issues]. PhD dissertation, UiT The arctic university of Norway.
- Antonsen, Lene og Chiara Argese 2018: Using authentic texts for grammar exercises for a minority
language. In Proceedings of the 7th workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2018). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 152, p. 1–9. Poster
- Bontogon, Megan, Antti Arppe, Lene Antonsen, Dorothy Thunder and Jordan Lachler 2018: Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Learning (ICALL) for nêhiyawêwin: An In-Depth User-Experience Evaluation. Canadian Modern Language Review, Volume 74 Issue 3.
- Lachler, Jordan, Lene Antonsen, Trond Trosterud, Sjur N. Moshagen and Antti Arppe 2018: Modeling Northern Haida Verb Morphology. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018).
- Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan, Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen and Trond Trosterud 2018: Estonian Morphology in the Giella Infrastructure. In: Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective. IOS Press 2018 ISBN 978-1-61499-911-9. s. 47-54
- Morottaja, Petter, Marja-Liisa Olthuis, Trond Trosterud ja Antonsen, Lene 2018: Anarâškielâ tivvoomohjelm – Kielâ- já ortografiafeeilâi kuorrâm tivvoomohjelmáin. Dutkansearvvi dieđalaš áigečála 2018, Volum 2 (2). s. 63–84
- Trosterud, Trond, Lene Antonsen og Kevin Unhammer 2018: Kan samisk brukes i det offentlige rom?. Kronikk i Nordlys 15.5. 2018.
- Presentations and posters
- Articles and theses
- Wiechetek, Linda 2017: When grammar can't be trusted - Valency and semantic categories in North Sámi syntactic analysis and error detection. PhD dissertation, UiT The arctic university of Norway.
- Antonsen, Lene og Trond Trosterud 2017: Ord sett innafra og utafra – en datalingvistisk analyse av nordsamisk. Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift. Volum 35:2, s. 153–185.
- Antonsen, Lene, Ciprian Gerstenberger, Maja Kappfjell, Sandra Nystø Rahka, Marja-Liisa Olthuis, Trond Trosterud and Francis M. Tyers 2017: Machine translation with North Saami as a pivot language. In Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, NoDaLiDa, 22–24 May 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden. Number 131 in Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings. Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet. p. 123–131.
- Harrigan, Atticus, Katherine Schmirler, Antti Arppe, Lene Antonsen, Trond Trosterud and Arok Wolvengrey 2017. Learning from the computational modelling of Plains Cree verbs. Morphology 27-4, p. 565–598.
- Ryan Johnson, Tommi A. Pirinen, Tiina Puolakainen, Francis M. Tyers, Trond Trosterud and Kevin Unhammer 2017: North-Sámi to Finnish rule-based machine translation system. In Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, NoDaLiDa, 22–24 May 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden. NEALT Proceedings Series. Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet. p. 115–122.
- Trosterud, Sindre Reino, Trond Trosterud, Anna-Kaisa Räisänen, Leena Niiranen, Mervi Haavisto and Kaisa Maliniemi 2017: A morphological analyser for Kven. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages W17–0608, p. 76-88. bib.
- Articles
- Antonsen, Lene ja Laura Janda 2016: Čohkkejitgo bohccuideaset vai iežaset bohccuid? Oamastanráhkasudat davvisámi grijjálašvuođas. Sámis 2016 (21). ISSN 0809-7410.s 12–15.
- Antonsen, Lene, Trosterud, Trond and Francis M. Tyers 2016: A North Saami to South Saami Machine Translation Prototype. NEJLT vol. 4. DOJ: 10.3384/nejlt.2000-1533.164
- Antti Arppe, Jordan Lachler, Trond Trosterud, Lene Antonsen and Sjur N. Moshagen 2016: Basic Language Resource Kits for Endangered Languages: A Case Study of Plains Cree. In Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop “CCURL 2016 – Towards an Alliance for Digital Language Diversity”. s 1–8.
- Gerstenberger, Ciprian, Partanen, Niko, Rießler, Michael and Joshua Wilbur 2016: Utilizing Language Technology in the Documentation of Endangered Uralic Languages. NEJLT vol. 4. DOJ: 10.3384/nejlt.2000-1533.164
- Janda, Laura Alexis and Antonsen, Lene 2016: The ongoing eclipse of possessive suffixes in North Saami: A case study in reduction of morphological complexity. Diachronica 33 nr. 3: 330–366.
- Presentations and posters
- Articles
- Antonsen, Lene and Laura Janda 2015: Oamastanráhkadusat davvisámi girjjálašvuođas.[English summary: Possessive constructions in North Saami prose.] Vuokko Hirvonen, Johanna Johansen Ijäs Marjatta Jomppanen and Kaarina Vuolab-Lohi (ed.): Symposia ávvučála – Nostalgiija, naga ja eará gielalaš ja kultuvrralaš fenomenat. Dieđut 2/2015 s. 9–43.
- Antonsen, Lene 2015: Språksentrenes voksenopplæring. I: Samiske tall forteller 8. Kommentert samisk statistikk 2015. Sámi allaskuvla 2015 ISBN 978-82-7367-040-3. s. 72-84
- Olthuis, Marja-Liisa ja Trond Trosterud 2015: Inarinsaamen lingvistinen suunnittelu kieliteknologian valossa. AGON Pohjonen tiede- ja kulttuurilehti 1-2/2015.
- Sjaggo, Ann-Charlotte ja Trond Trosterud 2015: Om pitesamiskt språk. Bjørg Evjen og Marit Myrvoll (red.) Från kust til kyst = Áhpegáttest áhpegáddáj. s. 223-231. Tromsø: Orkana Forlag.
- Trosterud, Trond 2015: Grønlandsk, samiske språk og den nordiske språkdeklarasjonen. Sprog i Norden, 2015, s. 131-140.
- Articles
- Snoek, Conor, Dorothy Thunder, Kaidi Lõo, Antti Arppe, Jordan Lachler, Sjur Moshagen and Trond Trosterud 2014: Modeling the Noun Morphology of Plains Cree. Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages, p. 34–42.
- Moshagen, Sjur, Jack Rueter, Tommi Pirinen, Trond Trosterud and Francis M. Tyers 2014: Open-Source Infrastructures for Collaborative Work on Under-Resourced Languages. In Workshop: Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era. LREC 2014. p. 71-77
- Janda, Laura Alexis, Lene Antonsen and Berit-Anne Bals Baal 2014: A Radial Category Profiling Analysis of North Sámi Ambipositions. High Desert Linguistics Society Proceedings 2014. Volum 10. ISSN 2330-6076.
- Haavisto, Mervi, Kaisa Maliniemi, Leena Niiranen, Pirjo Paavalniemi, Tove Reibo og Trond Trosterud. 2014. Kvensk ordbok på nett – hvem har nytte av den? Nordiske Studier i Leksikografi (NSL).
- Articles
- Antonsen, Lene 2013: Čállinmeattáhusaid guorran. [English summary: Tracking misspellings.] Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 2/2013: 7–32.
- Moshagen, Sjur N., Tommi A. Pirinen and Trond Trosterud 2013: Building an open-source development infrastructure for language technology projects. Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2013), May 22–24, 2013, Oslo University, Norway. NEALT Proceedings Series 16: 343–352. Poster.
- Johnson, Ryan, Lene Antonsen and Trond Trosterud 2013: Using finite state transducers for making efficient reading comprehension dictionaries. Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2013), May 22–24, 2013, Oslo University, Norway. NEALT Proceedings Series 16: 59–71. Slides from presentation at the Nodalida conference.
- Antonsen, Lene 2013: Constraints in Free-input Question-Answering Drills. Proceedings of the second workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language learning at NoDaLiDa 2013, May 22-24, Oslo, Norway. NEALT Proceedings Series 17: 11-26.
- Antonsen, Lene, Ryan Johnson, Trond Trosterud, Heli Uibo 2013: Generating modular grammar exercises with finite-state transducers. Proceedings of the second workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language learning at NoDaLiDa 2013, May 22-24, Oslo, Norway. NEALT Proceedings Series 17: 27-38.
- Trosterud, Trond and Kevin Brubeck Unhammer 2013: Evaluating North Sámi to Norwegian assimilation RBMT. In: Cristina España-Bonet and Aarne Ranta (eds.) Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation pp. 13–26.
- Presentations and posters
- Articles
- Antonsen, Lene 2012: Improving feedback on L2 misspellings – an FST approach. Proceedings of the SLTC 2012 workshop on NLP for CALL, Lund, 25th October, 2012. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 80: 1-10. (Cf. also the poster)
- Trosterud, Trond 2012: A restricted freedom of choice: Linguistic diversity in the digital landscape Nordlyd Vol 39, No 2.89-104 (cf. also the slides from a conference in Tromsø, 27. 5. 2011.)
- Antonsen, Lene, Laura Alexis Janda ja Berit-Ánne Bals Baal 2012: Njealji davvisámi adposišuvnna geavahus. [English summary: The use of four North Sami adpositions.]. Sámi dieđalaš áigecála 2012. Volum 2. ISSN 0805-4312.
- Тростерюд, Тронд 2012: Роль языковой технологии в сохранении и ревитализации языка. In: Саамская идентичность: проблемы сохранения языка и культуры на Севере: Материалы международной научной конференции. Murmansk State Humanities University 2012 ISBN 82-03-32456-8. s. 3-11.
- Trosterud, Trond and Berit Merete Nystad Eskonsipo 2012: A North Sami translator’s mailing list seen as a key to minority language lexicography. Euralex 2012 Proceedings p. 250–256. (cf. also the slides from the presentation held at Euralex 2012, August 7–11th in Oslo)
- Trosterud, Trond og Hilde Skanke 2012: Kvensk juridisk terminologi. Terminologen Volum 1.(1) s. 56-63
- Wiechetek, Linda 2012: Constraint grammar based correction of grammatical errors for North Sámi. SaLTMil 8 – AfLaT2012, p. 35–40.
- Presentations and posters
Letting ICALL make minority language instruction at university level available over a wide area. Made for Eurocall 2012, in Göteborg
OAHPA – помогает тебе в изучении саамского языка. About Kildin Sámi Oahpa – Language Learning Programs. Made for Conference in Murmansk November 2011.
- Rueter, Jack and Trond Trosterud 2012: How to help languages to survive during modern time by means of language technologies? / Как помочь языку выжить в современном мире с помощью языковых технологий?
- Antonsen, Lene, Ciprian Gerstenberger, Trond Trosterud and Heli Uibo 2012: A modular system for porting advanced interactive programs to new, morphology-rich languages Held at Eurocall 2012, in Göteborg, August 23th 2012.
- Antonsen, Lene 2012: Adding grammatical misspellings to the Finite state transducer in an ICALL system. Held at ICALL workshop June 12th, CALICO 2012 in South Bend, Indiana, USA.
- Antonsen, Lene and Trond Trosterud 2012: Muligheter for lulesamisk språkteknologi Holdt på Lulesamisk språkkonferanse 16–17. februar 2012 i Jokkmokk, Sverige.
- Antonsen, Lene 2012: UnivOahpa – interaktive samiskkurs på internett Holdt på Lulesamisk språkkonferanse 16–17. februar 2012 i Jokkmokk, Sverige.
- Trosterud, Trond 2012: Språkteknologi for lulesamisk Holdt på Lulesamisk språkkonferanse 16–17. februar 2012 i Jokkmokk, Sverige.
- Articles
- Presentations and posters
- Articles
- Antonsen, Lene, Ciprian Gerstenberger, Sjur Moshagen, and Trond Trosterud 2009: Ei intelligent elektronisk ordbok for samisk. LexicoNordica Volum 16 s. 271–283. Oslo: Nordisk forening for leksikografi.The archived article.
- Tyers, Francis, Linda Wiechetek and Trond Trosterud 2009: Developing Prototypes for Machine Translation between Two Sámi Languages. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association of Machine Translation, EAMT09. Allschwil: European Association for Machine Translation.
- Antonsen, Lene, Saara Huhmarniemi and Trond Trosterud 2009: Interactive pedagogical programs based on constraint grammar. Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics. Nealt Proceedings Series 4. Poster. (Cf. also the slides from the presentation held at NoDaLiDa 16.05 2009.)
- Antonsen, Lene, Saara Huhmarniemi and Trond Trosterud 2009: Constraint Grammar in Dialogue Systems. NEALT Proceedings Series 2009. Volum 8. s. 13–21.
- Antonsen, Lene, Berit-Ánne Bals Baal, Saara Huhmarniemi and Trond Trosterud 2009: Dihtor ja giela válljenvejolašvuođat – gielalaš ja pedagogalaš čuolmmat. (The Computer and the Variability of Language – Linguistic and Pedagogical Issues). – Johanna Ijäs – Nils Øivind Helander (doaim.), Sáhkavuoruin sáhkan. Sámegiela ja sámi girjjálašvuođa muhtin áigeguovdilis dutkanfáttát. Dieđut 1/2009. Guovdageaidnu: Sámi allaskuvla. ISSN 0332-7779. s. 87–102.
- Wiechetek, Linda 2009: Semánttalaš rollaid mearkkašupmi giellateknologiijas – The Relevance of Semantic Roles in Language Technology Dieđut 1/2009. Guovdageaidnu: Sámi allaskuvla. ISSN 0332-7779. s. 104–116.
- Trosterud, Trond 2009: A constraint grammar for Faroese. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol 8, pp 1–7. ISSN 1736-6305
- Unhammer, Kevin and Trond Trosterud 2009: Reuse of Free Resources in Machine Translation between Nynorsk and Bokmål. J.A. Pérez-Ortiz, F. Sánchez-Martínez, F.M. Tyers (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation, p. 35–42 Alacant, Spain, November 2009
- Presentations and posters
- Articles
- Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø 2008: A language technology test bench – automatized testing in the divvun project. In Domeij, R., Kokkinakis, S. J., Knutsson, O., and Hashemi, S. S., editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP for Reading and Writing – Resources, Algorithms and Tools, volume 3 of NEALT Proceeding Series, pages 19–21, Stockholm. SLTC.
- Moshagen, Sjur, Thomas Omma ja Tomi Pieski 2008: Goallosteapmi Divvun-reaidduin.
- Muhirwe, Jackson and Trond Trosterud 2008: Finite State Solutions For Reduplication In Kinyarwanda Language. Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages pp. 73-80.
- Trosterud, Trond 2008: Verbh. En sydsamisk verbhandbok. LexicoNordica 15:347-354.
- Trosterud, Trond 2008: Language Assimilation During the Modernisation Process: Experiences from Norway and North-West Russia. Acta Borealia 25:2 pp. 93-112.
- Antonsen, Lene 2008: Lokatiivva gehčosat Gáivuona suopmanis. [English summary: Locative suffixes in the Gáivuotna dialect.] – Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 2/2008: 3–20.
- Presentations and posters
- Antonsen, Lene, Berit-Ánne Bals Baal, Saara Huhmarniemi ja Trond Trosterud 2008: Mo oažžut dihtora hálddašit lunddolaš giela válljenvejolašvuođaid giellaoahppanproseassas? Gielalaš ja pedagogalaš čuolmmat. | English version: How to make the computer manage natural language choices in a language learning process? Linguistic and pedagogic problems. Presentation held at Symposium for Sámi language, literature and language situation in Kautokeino, 12.–13.11.2008.
- Moshagen, Sjur, Thomas Omma and Tomi Pieski 2008: Compounding in Divvun-tools. English version of a presentation held at Symposium for Sámi language, literature and language situation in Kautokeino, 12.–13.11.2008.
- Antonsen, Lene, Børre Gaup, Saara Huhmarniemi, Sjur Moshagen and Trond Trosterud 2008: Documenting and revitalising the Sámi languages – experiences from written language processing.
- Langgård, Per and Trond Trosterud 2008: Language Technology to Strengthen Indigenous Languages. Talk at the conference Arctic Indigenous Languages
- Wiechetek, Linda 2008: Semánttalaš rollaid mearkkašupmi go oahpaha giellastruktuvrra dihtorii.
- Articles
- Presentations and posters
- Lene Antonsen, Saara Huhmarniemi, Marit Julien, Ilona Kivinen, Trond Trosterud, Linda Wiechetek, Børre Gaup, Sjur Moshagen, Thomas Omma, Maaren Palismaa og Tomi Pieski 2007: Samisk språkteknologi ved Universitetet i Tromsø. Disambiguering og syntaktisk analyse og Samisk stavekontroll.. Poster til avslutningskonferanse for Kunsti, Kunnskapsutvikling for norsk språkteknologi, Oslo, 8.2.2007.
- Trosterud, Trond 2007: Samisk språkteknologi ved Universitetet i Tromsø.. Presentasjon til avslutningskonferanse for Kunsti, Kunnskapsutvikling for norsk språkteknologi, Oslo, 8.2.2007.
- Articles
- Gaup, Børre, Sjur N. Moshagen, Thomas Omma, Maaren Palismaa, Tomi Pieski and Trond Trosterud 2006: From Xerox to Aspell: A First Prototype of a North Sámi Speller Based on TWOL Technology. – Anssi Yli-Jyrä – Lauri Karttunen – J. Karhumäki (doaim.), Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4002, s. 306–307. Berlin – Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Trosterud, Trond 2006: Grammatically based language technology for minority languages. Lesser-Known Languages of South Asia. Status and Policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 293-316.
- Trosterud, Trond 2006: Grammar-based Language Technology for the Sámi Languages. Lesser used Languages & Computer Linguistics. Bozen: Europäische Akademie ISBN 88-88906-24-X. s. 133–148.
- Articles
- Moshagen, Sjur, Pekka Sammallahti and Trond Trosterud 2005: Twol at work. Antti Arppe, Lauri Carlson, Krister Lindén, Jussi Piitulainen, Mickael Suominen, Martti Vainio, Hanna Westerlund, Anssi Yli-Jyrä (Eds.), Inquiries into Words, Constraints and Contexts. Festschrift for Kimmo Koskenniemi on his 60th Birthday. p. 94–105. Stanford, California: CSLI.
- Trosterud, Trond and Heli Uibo 2005: Consonant Gradation in Estonian and Sami: Two-Level Solution. Antti Arppe, Lauri Carlson, Krister Lindén, Jussi Piitulainen, Mickael Suominen, Martti Vainio, Hanna Westerlund, Anssi Yli-Jyrä (Eds.), Inquiries into Words, Constraints and Contexts. Festschrift for Kimmo Koskenniemi on his 60th Birthday. p. 136–150. CSLI Studies in Computational Linguistics online.
- Nesset, Tore og Trond Trosterud 2005: Ny norsk-russisk ordbok: Ei leksikografisk storhending. LexicoNordica 12, 2005, pp. 273-284.
- Trosterud, Trond 2005: Samisk og kvensk i Noreg etter 1905. Språknytt 1-2: 43-47.
- Trosterud, Trond 2005: Samisk disambiguering 2005.. Presentasjon til seminar for Kunsti, Kunnskapsutvikling for norsk språkteknologi, Bergen.
- Trosterud, Trond 2005: Samisk språkteknologi. Henrik Holmboe (red.) Nordisk sprogteknologi. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004. s. 51-58.
- Articles
- Trosterud, Trond 2004: Porting morphological analyses and disambiguation to new languages. Julie Carson-Berndsen (ed.) First Steps for Language Documentation of Minority Languages. Computational Linguistic Tools for Morphology, Lexicon and Corpus Compilation. p. 90-92. Paris: European Language Resources Association. Poster
- Trosterud, T. 2004: Language technology for endangered languages: Sámi as a case study. (ms.) Invited talk at the conference Dialogue of Cultures, celebrating the 75th birthday of Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, April 15th 2004. Presentation.
- Trosterud, Trond and Heli Uibo 2005: Consonant gradation in Estonian and Sámi: two-level solution. Antti Arppe, Lauri Carlsson, Krister Lindén, Jussi Piitulainen, Mickael Suominen, Martti Vainio, Hanna Westerlund and Anssi Yli-Jyrä (eds.): Inquiries into Words, Constraints and Contexts. Festschrift in the Honour of Kimmo Koskenniemi on his 60th Birthday. pp. 136-150. CSLI Studies in Computational Linguistics ONLINE: CSLI Publications.
- Articles
- Trosterud, Trond 2003: Ordbokskritikk. LexicoNordica 10: 65-88.
- Trosterud, Trond 2002: Morfologiija rolla sámi giellatenologiijas. Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 1/2002: 90-105
- Trosterud, Trond 2002: Parallel corpora as tools for investigating and developing minority languages. Lars Borin (ed.) Parallel corpora, Parallel worlds. Language and Computers: Studies in practical linguistics no 43. pp 111-122. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Hagen, Kristin, Pia Lane og Trond Trosterud 2001: En grammatikkontroll for bokmål. Språknytt 3.6-9,47.
- Trosterud, Trond 2001. (Bokmelding) Kåven, Brita E. (red.) 2000: Stor norsk-samisk ordbok / Dáru-sámi sátnegirji. LexicoNordica 8:283-306.
- Trosterud, Trond 1999: Turid Farbregd, Sigrid Kangur og Ülle Viks: Norra-eesti-Eesti-norra sõnaraamat /Norsk-estisk- Estisk-norsk ordbok. LexicoNordica 6:241-248.
- Trosterud, Trond 1998: Den første estisk-norske ordlista er publisert. Turid Farbregd / Gennadi Jagomägi Eesti-norra sõnastik / Estisk-norsk ordliste. LexicoNordica 5:275-280.
- Trosterud, Trond 1996: Turid Farbregd/Hannele Seppinen: Finsk-norsk ordbok. LexicoNordica 3:335-344.